Living Off Savings Calculator


How long can you live with $1 200 000,00 in savings by paying yourself $5 000,00 per month?

Initial savings: $1 200 000,00
Interest rate: 5%
Monthly withdrawal: $5 000,00
Annual increase of withdrawal: 0%
Your savings will last for: over 100 years

Initial amount of $1 200 000,00 will enough for over 100 years of retirement. The simulation assumes that you will keep investing with predicted anuual interest rate of 5%.

Monthly withdrawals $5 000,00 will remain constant for entire period of your retirement. Consider setting annual increase of withdrawal to gain headge for inflation.

The calculation could be described by formula below, see schedule for details.


Consider alternative scenarios

Higher monthly withdrawals

Initial amount of $1 200 000,00 with 5% interest rate will allow you to live on:

  • $5 500,00 per month for 48 years

  • $6 000,00 per month for 35 years 10 months

Monthly withdrawal Duration
$5 500,00 48 years
$6 000,00 35 years 10 months

Lower monthly withdrawals

Initial amount of $1 200 000,00 with 5% interest rate will allow you to live on:

  • $4 500,00 per month for over 100 years.

  • $4 000,00 per month for over 100 years.

Monthly withdrawal Duration
$4 500,00 over 100 years
$4 000,00 over 100 years

Different interest rate

Check how different interest rate will impact total return from $1 200 000,00

  • 4% ensures stable withdrawals for 40 years 3 months

  • 5% ensures stable withdrawals for over 100 years

  • 6% ensures stable withdrawals for over 100 years

Interest rate Monthly withdrawal Duration
4% $5 000,00 40 years 3 months
5% $5 000,00 over 100 years
6% $5 000,00 over 100 years

Higher initial savings

With higher initial amount you will be able to withdraw $5 000,00 for much longer:

  • $1 320 000,00 will last for over 100 years

  • $1 440 000,00 will last for over 100 years

  • $1 560 000,00 will last for over 100 years

Initial savings Monthly withdrawal Duration
$1 320 000,00 $5 000,00 over 100 years
$1 440 000,00 $5 000,00 over 100 years
$1 560 000,00 $5 000,00 over 100 years

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