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Business Calculators
Sales tax (VAT) calculator
Quick converter of net to gross value and vice versa.
Discount Calculator
Calculate new price using different discounting strategies.
Margin calculator
Must-have for every seller
Markup calculator
Evaluate your pricing policy
Markdown Calculator
Calculate selling price after discount.
Break-Even Point Calculator
When will it start making a profit?
Economic Order Quantity Calculator
Calculate the exact number of items you need to order.
Margin of Safety Calculator
Calculate the level of sales above the breakeven point.
Profit Calculator
Profit Goal Calculator
MRR Calculator
Monthly Recurring Revenue
Economic Profit Calculator
Earnings including missing opportunity costs.
Accounting Profit Calculator
Earnings from the accounting perspective
Sales Revenue Calculator
Calculate the revenue from your sales volume.
Sales Commission Calculator
Calculate the commission fee value for your sales.
Churn Rate Calculator
Calculate the percentage rate of lost customers
Revenue Growth Calculator
Forecast your future revenue.
Average Variable Cost Calculator
Calculate total variable cost per unit
Average Fixed Cost Calculator
Calculate fixed cost per unit
Productivity Calculator
Measure the productivity of your employees.
Billable Hours Calculator
Calculate the amount you can charge for your work.
Sell-Through Rate Calculator
Monitor the inventory management in your company.
Absence Rate Calculator
Monitor the absenteeism rate of your employees
Billing Rate Calculator
How much should you charge for an hour of work?
Price Calculator
Calculate the price that gives you the desired margin.
Sales Calculator
Forecast and optimize your sales
Selling Price Calculator
Reverse Sales Tax Calculator
Calculates the price without the sales tax.
Gross Pay Calculator
Calculate the gross salary including overtime.
Ending Inventory Calculator
Calculate total value of inventory at the end of an accouting period.
LIFO Inventory Calculator
Last In First Out
FIFO Inventory Calculator
First In First Out
Salary to Hourly Calculator
Convert wages between different time units.
GMROI Calculator
Gross margin return on investment
Overtime Calculator
Salary calculator with overtime
Pay Raise Calculator
Calculate your future salary after the rise.
Marginal Cost Calculator
Find out the cost of additional units produced.
Marginal Revenue Calculator
Calculate revenue gain from selling an extra unit.
Margin After Discount Calculator
Optimize profits with smart discount calculations
Revenue Per Employee
The Key to Employee Efficiency
Revenue Calculator
Forecast and optimize your revenue.
Contribution Margin Calculator
Optimize pricing and profit with contribution margin insights.
Optimal Price Calculator
Maximize your profits by setting optimal prices.
Price Elasticity of Demand Calculator
Increase the sales by understaning demand for your product.
Days Inventory Outstanding Calculator
Unlock Efficiency and Boost Profits
Cross Price Elasticity Calculator
Measures price impact on related product sales.
Comparative Advantage Calculator
Identifies lower opportunity costs between goods.
Tenure Calculator
Calculates duration of employment or service.
High-Low Method Calculator
Estimates cost behavior from highest, lowest activity
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